Syndicate: 2010
Flight hours: 0
Study hours: 0
Aviation Reading: Flight of Passage
When I joined the syndicate, one of the owners was introducing me to the way things operated. I queried him on how bookings are made, which I discovered was via email to all owners and first-in, first-served.
Seeing as I try to make everything I do in my role within I.T. as automated or simple as possible, I immediately asked if they had considered using a website that could be the recording point of bookings. He said they may consider it and he would put it to the other owners.
I saw that as the green light to fully code the site using PHP and mySQL.
It provides us with:
- Booking Management
- Maintenance Tracking
- Reports
- Pilot Hours
- Hours per month
- Trending the 100 hourly inspection
- Photo Gallery
- Medical and Rating tracker (for currency and renewals)
- Contact information of the owners
- Newsletters
- Share-a-ride posting
- Weather briefings
- Submission of flight plans for our more common flights
I host the site myself (WAMP) and purchased a domain name for the site which is the tail registration. Naturally the site was accepted and voted as the only means for bookings along with recording maintenance etc, thus moving the syndicate further into the internet age.That blue line represents our 100 hourly that is rapidly approaching.